Drive And Drag Volunteer Deployment – Carlsbad

October 22, 2022 9:00 AM

In the 2022 cycle there is a real possibility of a conservative “wave” to make important gains here in California – but we will always have a BIG problem winning in California unless we turn out our votes! That’s where YOU come in – as a volunteer to canvass homes of our base target voters who haven’t voted yet.

Reform California is launching a “Drive & Drag” Volunteer Program where we pair up TWO volunteers in targeted neighborhoods to drive to specific homes that haven’t returned ballots yet and knock on their doors.  One person DRIVES, one person DRAGS!  It is fun, efficient, and easy to do!

What You Need to Do:

  1. Sign up for one of the deployment locations at the RSVP link below
  2. Make sure you bring your smart phone and that its charged – We will be using smartphones to provide you with a list of our target voters, if you don’t want to talk to voters a smart phone is still handy for a map and directions!
  3. Bring a friend – OPTIONAL! Since Drive and Drag is a team effort of two people, you can either bring a friend to do it with you or we’ll pair you up with another volunteer.
  4. Show up at the deployment location on time – we train everyone at the same time and pair people up.
  5. Drive or Knock for 2 hours

It’s simple: Drive and Drag! Working together we can TURN OUT THE VOTE and TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA!